All About Polished Sapphire Wafers

Polished Sapphire WafersAs technology advances and spreads all over the world, polished sapphire wafers are quickly becoming a more and more important segment of the semiconductor market. The volume of these wafers has drastically increased as more companies realize their many benefits and applications, including hybrid microelectronics, radiation resistance, infrared detection, and so much more.


The secret behind synthetic sapphire’s utility is its hexagonal crystalline form. This structure creates a durable, monoaxial, and highly heat-resistant material that is harder than the vast majority of materials, excluding diamond and silicon carbide. Reach out to Polishing Corporation of America (PCA) to learn everything you need to know about sapphire wafer polishing.


The Benefits of Synthetic Sapphire

There are many reasons why synthetic sapphire is an ideal material for the manufacturing of polished sapphire wafers. Sapphire’s impressive hardness and thermal resistance allow it to be easily and safely used in a wide range of applications. Additionally, as a chemically inert substance, it is resistant to attack in many different processing environments, including hydrofluoric acid and fluorine plasma–two environments that form an integral part of the semiconductor wafer industry.


The professionals at PCA have developed a process that allows us to process synthetic sapphire substrates nine times easier than before, meaning you can take advantage of this incredible material today. Call now for more information about polished sapphire wafers.